Monday, April 6, 2020

Why the Youth?

Victor believes the government should navigate better the social media sphere to save young people from getting recruited into the CPP. The technology, he noted, is highly dynamic and rapidly changes. But the core strategy remains the same.

“We know the categories for youth and student recruitment. Our primary targets are potential leaders and scholars because they are critical thinkers. You could also see and feel a sense of discipline in them. Lastly, they must be open-minded and liberal, in that they would easily be drawn to discourse. These are who we target for our propaganda,” Victor said.

“So again, why does the CPP prioritize for recruitment talented youths, especially the thinkers, artists, writers, and the like? Let me paraphrase Mao Tse-tung: ‘To defeat the enemy, we rely primarily on the people’s army wielding the gun. But this is not enough, we must also have an army wielding the pen.’ This is one of the reasons why we prefer to recruit those who have literary skills, or inclinations to arts. Artists have very fertile imagination. They almost have solutions to almost anything. They are also passionate, expressive, and highly innovative,” he added. 

--THE WARS WITHIN (2020 / Copy&Share)

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