Sunday, April 12, 2020

Love and Family

Photo from captured enemy-documents.
“Love and Family - these make an individual complete as a person and as a fundamental part of every society. The communist’s perspectives on how they view family explain the values that they have: that they look at people simply as mechanical social elements that can be programmed through mechanical social distortion process known by their jargons, such as: Socialism, Dictatorship of the Proletariat, Communism, etc. Social revolution through socialism in attaining modern communism can never proceed peacefully to build a new and ideal society, especially when the first thing they would do is to systematically destroy the family. The communists should understand profoundly that it is in the family where people grow to become complete persons and begin as productive members of society. The communists failed to understand, or utterly ignored, one very important point: People are human beings. They have advanced type of brains in the entire animal kingdom so they can think and feel with rationality. Hence, the mechanical absolutism of communism, and its instrument that is socialism, cannot become a reality for mankind since they view the development of people in such mechanical absolutism,” Victor explained. 


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